The problem with PhD-student-teachers’ projects


the problem with PhD. student-teachers is that they think projects can nothing be less than research papers. that the world revolves around research papers and if you have to give a project it has to be of the same level as PhDs have. i get the part where we learn a lot while doing a huge project or read the otherwise never touched research articles but am pretty sure that there is something called too mature projects given too immature minds leading to them learning nothing and just wasting a good project opportunity phenomenon[1] . The point is that when someone is not a PhD the point of trying to understand a very specific phenomenon really leads to nowhere. projects should be more substantial in adding to the understanding of the student rather than just a forced review of a paper which is remotely related to the topic.

Instead to ensure that the students are reading research papers,  a more better approach would be to make research papers available electronically to them and to allow them the liberty of choosing a topic which interests them and a bit of pushing towards the writing of the paper for entry into some conference.  in fact, a much better , academic oriented approach leading towards better understanding of the students mind.


[1] Li Peng Shui and Shing Zong Tsu, The Peng Zong Effect and its ripple effects,  University of BS, ISACA paper 2005 pp.44-49

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  1. minhan Says:

    Hi,I am from China,welcome to my space.

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